Dave Jones Consultants, Captivating Practical Learning BIG Results!


Too many of us have attended conferences that are boring, irrelevant, disorganized and disrespectful of time lines.  They leave little lasting impact other than short term frustration.  What you hear attendees saying is – well it was good to see people I don’t get a chance to see, but I feel like we really wasted an opportunity to do something meaningful. They end up being a waste of a golden opportunity – and they aren’t cheap!

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Dave has designed and run hundreds of conferences around the world for groups as small as twenty and as large as two thousand. He loves it because it combines his skills in program design, facilitation, training, key note speaking, coaching and consulting. He gets to bring all of these related competencies to bare to help his clients make the most of these important events. He is always thinking about the people who attend these events, so that their voice is heard before, during and after the event. He challenges his clients to create themes, content and pacing that grabs attendee’s attention and stimulates short and long term growth.

Dave helps to connect his clients with event staff in ways that facilitate a partnership between the people who operate the facilities/activities and the people who are organizing, running and planning the event. He brings people together so that all of the elements that create great conferences are working in alignment – on the day and during planning.

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Dave Jones from Ottawa helps clients to create high impact conferences that stimulate conversation, intellectual curiosity and emotional connection.

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